The History Review carefully considers all submissions for publication. All papers undergo a rigorous selection process designed to uphold the Review’s mission: to promote and celebrate outstanding undergraduate work.


Volume II, Issue I

Most recent publication – Volume II, Issue I
Inaugural issue – Vol. I, Issue I


The British Undergraduate History Review welcomes the submission of Articles, Essays and Book Reviews.

Student Authorship

Submissions are reviewed anonymously. To facilitate this, please remove or redact any identifying information from your manuscript and file name. This includes your name, contact details, affiliation and acknowledgments. Instead, please confine this information to a separate cover sheet which is to be submitted alongside your manuscript.


The History Review is committed to publishing work that is clear and concise. We strongly encourage submissions that are no fewer than 2000 words and no longer than 5000 words in length including footnotes, but excluding bibliography.

Citation and Referencing

Submissions must conform to the Oxford style of referencing.


Please submit manuscripts that are in a Microsoft Word format. If this is not possible we accept, though advise against, other formats.


Make sure your paper is clear, well written and argumentative – as opposed to descriptive. Submissions will be assessed for publication according to the following criteria:
– Clarity of structure and content
– Understanding
– Force of argument
– Originality of argument


Before submitting please be sure to read the submission guidelines above. You may only submit one piece. Once you have successfully submitted your manuscript you will receive confirmation of receipt. Please contact us if you encounter any problems during this process.


Once your paper has been received by the Commissioning Editor it is then double blind reviewed by referees with authority in the subject matter of your paper. Next, your paper is sent to the Editor-in-Chief to review. After a paper has been shortlisted, whether or not it is published is subject to a vote by the History Review’s editorial team.

The strict anonymity of your paper is only broken once the decision for publication has been made. If your paper is selected we will notify you through email. If your paper is not selected it is the Review’s editorial policy to not disclose why. Feedback is only given when the publication of a paper is contingent on revision by the author. If the author agrees to the suggested revisions, then the paper is published in its revised state.

If you have any further questions please contact the History Review’s Editor-in-Chief Robert Jones.